Our Process
We will tailor our advice and service to suit your needs.
At Plan Plus we use a 6 Stage Process to ensure that your financial plan is perfect for you…
Stage 1 – Let’s Gather Your Financial Information
The starting point is to create a profile of you:
- This covers your personal circumstances,
- Current financial situation, and
- How you have arrived there.
The more detail the better, because the clearer this picture of you and your finances is, the clearer the starting point of our journey will be.
- We take into account:
- Your family,
- Your work or business,
- Your tax position, and
- Your investments.
This way we can appraise how they fit into your future objectives.
Stage 2 – We Identify Your Goals
Next we clarify where you want to go and when, your objectives, concerns and aspirations and your attitude to investment and other risks.
This is a critical part of developing your Financial Strategy – which is a key aspect of your Personal Financial Plan.
Stage 3 – We Identify Any Financial Issues
Then in the third stage we perform a ‘Gap’ analysis.
This analysis looks at where you are today, where you want to go and the gap between the two.
This ‘Gap Analysis’ enables us to clearly map out the path to follow to achieve your financial goals.
Stage 4 – Then We Prepare Your Financial Plan (called a Statement of Advice)
Stage four sees the creation of your individual roadmap generally known as a Statement of Advice, which highlights the most efficient route from A to B.
This roadmap is your Strategic Personal Financial Plan.
It will:
- Analyse your current financial arrangements,
- Make recommendations as to how to best use your existing finances,
- Look at the way in which you spend your money,
- Identify the cost of achieving your objectives and your financial independence,
- Plan for any unforeseen events that may arise.
NB: Your Financial Plan can also be multi-generational and can cover the effective and efficient distribution of assets on death, in accordance with your wishes.
Stage 5 – Then We Implement The Recommendations
The fifth stage of the process is to implement the plan.
This stage may also include an action plan and/or investment strategy document, as noted in the Statement of Advice
Stage 6 – Then We Review And Revise Your Plan At Regular Intervals, or When Circumstances Change
The final stage is to regularly review the plan and make modifications where required.
- Reviews should take place at least annually,
- Should be more frequent for complex situations,
- Take place when your circumstances change.
The overall aim of the financial planning process is to help you reach your financial goals and develop or maintain your desired lifestyle