Would it surprise you to know that most people will make a claim on their Life, TPD, Trauma Insurance policies during their lifetime?
Australian’s are very under-insured. Many people fall into the “It will never happen to me” category. However, having adequate insurance is vital to ensuring the financial stability of both yourself and your loved ones in the event of the unthinkable.
No one can predict accident, illness or sudden death. However, provisions can be made as a financial contingency in case something happens.
Australian’s are very under-insured. Many people fall into the “It will never happen to me” category. However, having adequate insurance is vital to ensuring the financial stability of both yourself and your loved ones in the event of the unthinkable.
No one can predict accident, illness or sudden death. However, provisions can be made as a financial contingency in case something happens.
If something were to happen to you tomorrow, would you be able to:
- Eliminate all your liabilities?
- Provide an alternative source of income for your family?
- Have the same lifestyle before the incident?
- Cover your children’s education expenses?
PlanPlus can sit down with you and identify where your risks lie and come up with an insurance plan to suit your needs.
While insurance doesn’t remove the risk of something going wrong, it provides a level of financial security to you and your family that is too valuable for it to be forgotten or pushed aside.